Half Dream!

Solo Exhibition



The participation of people in the area of dreams gives the ability to access the subconscious mind, where this interdependence creates a framework in which ideas multiply in the realm world and the dream world through the subconscious world, when our minds control the invasion of our thoughts and we discover that our minds are the theater of its absorption beyond the realm of imagination, which is the realm of nothingness. The limits of the interior, which controls our minds step by step until it takes possession of all our thoughts and pushes the mind into a world that it creates by itself and shares with those around it, in an attempt to rationalize the dream and the dialectic of logic.

The amount of power for everyone who can control their dreams is standing on the edge of reality and imagination, dismantling memory, and traveling to the subconscious world to plant new ideas that change the course, perhaps forever.

Magic realism has used this concept to link two opposites (imagination and reality) to a degree that makes it difficult to differentiate between them to the extent that it reaches the formulation of fantasy from the ground up and makes it a reality, and links time to all matters of our lives, when time was accumulation, growth and permanence, and permanence is the continuation of the progress of the past whose events are increasing. Little by little, in order to create the future in a sequence of its repetition becomes logical and time seems to be an experience very specific to us, but if we can look at ourselves through another dimension that may be made by the logic of the subconscious, then we may realize that these relationships actually mean something different from what we are used to.

The past and memories are an essential part in the formation of all the characters that present an innovative and new form of the idea of narration, where the beginning begins from the end, and with every new scene that our lives go through, we see an old scene, so all the scenes of life come in a chronological order that may be opposite at times, thus emphasizing the logic of the beginnings. originate from the ends.

Therefore, we deal differently here with the idea of time, and in fact we are facing a real challenge of time, in fragmenting time, and entering into dreams, so that the most important question appears about the relationship between the worlds of dreams and reality, about the different layers of dream, and about the vast difference between real time and relative time. In a dream, and about accessing time and fixing it to change reality through another reality that is parallel in dreams, and we may find ourselves facing half a dream and a half reality.

Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-168x135cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-168x135cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-150x120cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-150x120cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-150x120cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-150x120cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-150x120cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-150x120cm-2023

Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-125x95cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-125x95cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-137×95 -m2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-137×95 cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-174x74cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-165x82cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-139x75cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-122x85cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-116x69cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-116x69cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-86x79cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-100x80cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-135×96.5cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-54x92cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-48x92cm-2023
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf-60x46cm-2023